I was determined to complete this pilgrimage, and I’m pleased to say we did it!
I used a combination of a GPS map and a written guidebook, which was very helpful. Luckily we only got lost once, and it wasn’t really getting lost as much as it was taking a slightly wrong exit from a field and needing to crawl over a wall to get back on the parallel path!

It turned out that most of the Way were places we go to quite often, but it was interesting to see them from a different perspective. We ran into a huge number of cows, and ended up walking right past the church in Ludgvan where my husband was christened, and where a large number of his family are buried. It really brought home to me how closely linked my children are to this area, and it was a nice break to have a drink in the sun at the pub next door. We made it all the way to Marazion, a little footsore, but triumphant.